Regular Meeting Agenda
Call to Order |
Roll Call |
Invocation - Pastor Mike Gowans - Bethel Chandler |
Pledge of Allegiance |
Scheduled Public Appearances |
1. |
Proclamation: Disability Awareness Month |
2. |
Recognition: Recipients of the Disability Awareness Awards |
3. |
Recognition: Recreation and Athletics for Individuals with Disabilities |
4. |
Recognition: GFOA Distinguished Budget Award for FY 2023-24 |
5. |
Tony Rodriguez, Request for an Ordinance to Make it Illegal to Feed Wild Birds in the City of Chandler |
Consent Agenda
Items listed on the Consent Agenda may be enacted by one motion and one vote. If a discussion is required by members of the governing body, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion and determination will be made if the item will be considered separately.
Proposed Motion: Move to approve the Consent Agenda of the February 22, 2024, Regular Meeting, Items 1 - 27.
City Clerk |
1. |
Approval of Minutes |
Move City Council approve the Council meeting minutes of the Study Session of February 5, 2024, the Special Meeting - Budget Workshop #1 of February 8, 2024, and the Regular Meeting of February 8, 2024. |
2. |
Resolution No. 5779, Repealing Resolution No. 5777 and Providing Notice of the Primary and General Elections to be held on July 30, 2024, and November 5, 2024, Respectively |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5779, repealing Resolution No. 5777; designating and providing notice of the 2024 Primary and General Elections to be held on July 30, 2024, and November 5, 2024, respectively; and authorizing the City Clerk to enter into agreements, as required, to provide election services for the 2024 Primary and General Elections. |
City Magistrate |
3. |
Purchase of Replacement Furniture |
Move City Council approve the purchase of replacement furniture, utilizing the State of Arizona Contract No. CTR067399, with Elontec LLC, in an amount not to exceed $193,545. |
City Manager |
4. |
Resolution No. 5771, Authorizing the Execution of a License to Use Salt River Project property, Located at the Consolidated Canal between Germann Road and Chandler Heights Road, to Conduct the Annual City of Chandler Family Bike Ride |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5771 authorizing the execution of a license to use Salt River Project property, located at the Consolidated Canal between Germann Road and Chandler Heights Road, to conduct the annual City of Chandler Family Bike Ride. |
5. |
Resolution No. 5778, Authorizing a Grant Application for, and Acceptance of Grant Funds from, the ATTAIN Federal Grant Program in the Amount of $6,570,000 |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5778 authorizing a grant application for, and acceptance of grant funds from, the ATTAIN federal grant program in the amount of $6,570,000. |
Communications and Public Affairs |
6. |
Agreement No. CP3-966-4488, Amendment No. 2, for Overflow Photocopying and Printing Services |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. CP3-966-4488, Amendment No. 2, with LithoTech, Inc., for overflow photocopying and printing services, increasing the spending limit by $49,000, for the existing term ending August 24, 2024. |
Development Services |
7. |
Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 5078, PLH23-0058 Boddy Residence Rezoning, 121 S. Dakota Street, Generally Located 1/4 Mile North of the Northwest Corner of Frye Road and Arizona Avenue |
Move City Council adopt Ordinance No. 5078 rezoning the parcel from Multiple-Family Residential District (MF-2) to Planned Area Development (PAD) for a single-family residence, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
8. |
Final adoption of Ordinance No. 5079, PLH23-0053 Cambridge Medical Facility, North of the Northwest Corner of Gilbert Road and Insight Way, Generally Located ¼ Mile South of the Southwest Corner Gilbert and Germann Roads |
Move City Council adopt Ordinance No. 5079 approving PLH23-0053 Cambridge Medical Facility, Rezoning to increase Mid-Rise Overlay allowing building heights up to 75 feet, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
9. |
Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 5080, PLH23-0015/PLT23-0024 Highland Place, Southeast Corner of Alma School Road and Highland Street, Generally Located ¼ Mile South of the Southeast Corner of Alma School and Warner Roads. |
Move City Council adopt Ordinance No. 5080 approving PLH22-0015 Highland Place, rezoning from Single-family (SF-18) district to Planned Area Development (PAD) for medium-density residential, subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
10. |
Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 5075, PLH23-0026 City Code Amendments related to Zoning, Property Maintenance, & Refuse, amending Chapter 30 Property Maintenance, Chapter 35 Land Use and Zoning, Chapter 39 Sign Code, and Chapter 44 Garbage and Refuse |
Move City Council adopt Ordinance No. 5075 approving PLH23-0026 City Code Amendments related to Zoning, Property Maintenance, & Refuse, text amendments to:
A. Section 35-200 Definitions of the Zoning Code relating to mid-rise development, bar, and other updates, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
B. Section 35-305 Use Permit, relating to renewal enforcement, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
C. Articles IV. AG-1-Agricultural District, V. SF-33-Single Family District, VI. SF-18-Single Family District, VI.1. SF-10 Single Family District, VIII. MF-1-Medium Density Residential District, IX. MF-2-Multiple Family Residential District, and X. MF-3-High Density Residential District of Chapter 35 Land Use and Zoning, cleaning up language and permitting single family homes on parcels zoned multifamily residential that are less than 12,000 square feet, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
D. Sections 35-1203, 35-1503, 35-1703, and 35-1902.4, granting authority to the Planning Administrator to reduce front yard setbacks within the Infill Incentive District, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission
E. Sections 35-1802 General Requirements and 35-1804 Parking Schedule, relating to parking requirements, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
F. Section 35-1902.8(c) Site Development Plan, allowing the Planning Administrator to administratively approve more than two free-standing pads, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
G. Section 35-1902 Site Development Plan, relating to drive-through requirements, use of shipping containers, and screening of roof-mounted equipment, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
H. Section 35-2100 Table of Permitted Uses for Nonresidential Districts, modifying the layout, adding new previously unlisted uses, clarifying ancillary use provisions, and other related changes, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
I. Section 35-2202 Accessory Buildings and Guest Quarters, permitting accessory dwelling units within single-family lots, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
J. Section 35-2204 General, relating to perimeter wall requirements, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
K. Sections 35-2202.1, 35-2205, and 35-2208, relating to open-air ramadas, swimming pool setbacks, and satellite dish antenna requirements, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
L. Section 35-2215 Home Occupation, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
M. Chapter 39 Sign Code, relating to murals and temporary sign requirements, as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
N. Chapter 30 Property Maintenance, relating to vehicles, trespassing light, landscaping maintenance, and abatement cost.
O. Chapter 44 Garbage and Refuse, relating to conversion from alley refuse pickup to curbside. |
11. |
Resolution No. 5766, Authorizing a License Agreement between Zoom Technology Arizona Limited and the City of Chandler for the Use of Public Property for the Establishment of Class 4 and Class 5 Communications Systems |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5766, authorizing the Mayor to execute the license agreement between Zoom Technology Arizona Limited and the City of Chandler for the use of facilities in the city’s rights-of-way and public places to establish Class 4 and Class 5 Communications Systems, and authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute other documents as needed to give effect to the agreement. |
Facilities and Fleet |
12. |
Purchase of Generator Maintenance Services |
Move City Council approve the purchase of generator maintenance services, from W.W. Williams Company, Inc., utilizing the City of Goodyear Contract No. C-5863A-A2-21, in an amount not to exceed $160,000. |
Fire Department |
13. |
Purchase of Mobile Command Vehicle |
Move City Council approve the purchase of a mobile command vehicle, from Hughes Fire Equipment, an authorized dealer for Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., utilizing the Houston Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Contract No. FS12-19, in the amount of $1,636,408.09, and authorize a General Government Capital Projects Fund contingency transfer of $706,410 to the General Government Projects Fund, Fire Capital, Motor Vehicles account. |
14. |
Agreement No. FD4-345-4690, with Bound Tree Medical, LLC, for Fire Emergency Medical Supplies
Move City Council approve Agreement No. FD4-345-4690, with Bound Tree Medical, LLC, for Fire emergency medical supplies, in an amount not to exceed $200,000, for a one-year period, April 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025, with the option of up to four additional one-year extensions. |
Human Resources |
15. |
Resolution No. 5775, Approving Agreement No. HR3-953-4609, for Deferred Compensation 457 Plan and Post Employment Health Plan Administration, Investment, and Trust Services |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5775, approving Agreement No. HR3-953-4609, for deferred compensation 457 plan and post employment health plan administration, investment, and trust services, with Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc., for a period of three years, January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2026, and authorizing the City Manager to sign all associated plan documents and future extensions. |
16. |
Resolution No. 5774, Renewal Request to Industrial Commission of Arizona for Continued Exemption from Requirement to Post Security for Self-Insured Workers' Compensation Program |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5774, renewing the request to the Industrial Commission of Arizona for continued exemption from requirement to post security for the Self-Insured Workers' Compensation Program. |
17. |
Agreement No. HR9-962-4689, with Marathon Staffing, for Temporary Staffing Services |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. HR9-962-4689, with Marathon Staffing, for temporary staffing services, in an amount not to exceed $1,098,125, for one year, April 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025, with the option of up to four additional one-year extensions. |
18. |
Memorandum of Understanding, Chandler Lieutenants and Police Sergeants Association (CLASA) |
Move City Council approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Chandler and the Chandler Lieutenants and Police Sergeants Association (CLASA) effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026. |
19. |
Memorandum of Understanding, International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) |
Move City Council approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Chandler and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Memorandum of Understanding effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026. |
20. |
Memorandum of Understanding, Chandler Law Enforcement Association (CLEA) |
Move City Council approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Chandler and the Chandler Law Enforcement Association (CLEA) effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026. |
Information Technology |
21. |
Purchase of Carrier and Broadband Provider Services |
Move City Council approve the purchase of carrier and broadband provider services, from Lumen Technologies Group, utilizing the State of Arizona Contract No. CTR049872, for a period of three years, in an amount not to exceed $123,190 in the first year, and authorize the City Manager to sign the associated quotes and order forms. |
22. |
Purchase of VMware Licenses Annual Support |
Move City Council approve the purchase of VMware licenses annual support, from Dell Marketing, LP, utilizing the State of Arizona Contract No. ADSPO16-098163, in an amount not to exceed $134,367. |
Management Services |
23. |
Agreement No. 4596, Amendment No. 1, for Audit Services |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. 4596, Amendment No. 1, with Heinfeld, Meech & Co., for audit services, in an amount not to exceed $162,175, for the period of one year, beginning June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2025. |
.png) |
Police Department |
24. |
Sole Source Purchase of Police Interview Room Camera System |
Move City Council approve the sole source purchase of the Police Interview Room Camera System, from Axon Enterprise, Inc., in the amount of $230,214.90. |
Public Works and Utilities |
25. |
Professional Services Agreement No. WW2401.201, with Wilson Engineers, LLC, for the Water Reclamation Facility Improvements Phase 3 Design Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WW2401.201, to Wilson Engineers, LLC, for the Water Reclamation Facility Improvements Phase 3 Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $2,574,080. |
26. |
Professional Services Agreement No. ST2405.201, with J2 Engineering & Environmental Design, LLC, for the Turf to Xeriscape Program Design Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. ST2405.201, to J2 Engineering & Environmental Design, LLC, for the Turf to Xeriscape Program Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $440,889. |
27. |
Agreement No. PW3-925-4631, Amendment No. 1, with Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., for the Water System Upgrades Program Consultant Services |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. PW3-925-4631, Amendment No. 1, with Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., for the Water System Upgrades Program consultant services, increasing the agreement amount by $149,680. |
Public Hearing |
28. |
Public Hearing and Presentation on Modified System Development Fees
1. Open Public Hearing
2. Staff Presentation
3. Council Discussion
4. Discussion from the Audience
5. Close Public Hearing |
Action Agenda |
29. |
Introduction and Tentative Adoption of Ordinance No. 5083 Amending Appendix A of Chapter 38 of the Chandler City Code to Modify Certain Arterial Street, Fire, Parks, Police, Reclaimed Water, Wastewater, and Water System Development Fees |
Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 5083 amending Appendix A of Chapter 38 of the Chandler City Code to modify certain arterial street, fire, parks, police, reclaimed water, wastewater, and water system development fees. |
Informational |
30. |
Contracts and Agreements Administratively Approved, Month of January 2024 |
Unscheduled Public Appearances |
Current Events
1. Mayor's Announcements
2. Council's Announcements
3. City Manager's Announcements |
Adjourn |