Regular Meeting Agenda
Call to Order |
Roll Call |
Invocation - Pastor Roy Cheriyan, International Assembly of God |
Pledge of Allegiance |
Consent Agenda
Items listed on the Consent Agenda may be enacted by one motion and one vote. If a discussion is required by members of the governing body, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion and determination will be made if the item will be considered separately. |
Airport |
1. |
Amendment to the Airport Commission Bylaws |
Move City Council approve the amended Chandler Airport Commission Bylaws as recommended by the Chandler Airport Commission. |
Council Focus Area(s):
City Clerk |
2. |
Board and Commission Appointments |
Move City Council approve the Board and Commission appointments as recommended. |
Council Focus Area(s):
City Manager |
3. |
Resolution No. 5599 Approving the Agreement between the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) and the City of Chandler to Develop a Project Assessment for Enhanced Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities and Potential Traffic Calming Elements on Hunt Highway, from Cooper Road to Val Vista Drive |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5599 approving the Active Transportation Project Agreement No. 828C-0R between the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) and the City of Chandler to Develop a Project Assessment for enhanced bicycle and pedestrian facilities and potential traffic calming elements on Hunt Highway, from Cooper Road to Val Vista Drive, in the amount of $70,000. |
Council Focus Area(s):
4. |
Agreement No. CM8-962-3970, Amendment No. 2, with Lyft, Inc., for the First Mile, Last Mile Program |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. CM8-962-3970, Amendment No. 2, with Lyft, Inc., for the First Mile, Last Mile Program, in an amount not to exceed $50,000, for the period of one year, beginning July 21, 2022, through July 20, 2023. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Community Services |
5. |
Agreement No. CS0-988-4215, Amendment No. 3, with BrightView Landscape Services, Inc., for Park Mowing Services |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. CS0-988-4215, Amendment No. 3, with BrightView Landscape Services, Inc., for park mowing services, increasing the spending limit by $189,410, for a revised amount not to exceed $989,366. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Development Services |
6. |
Resolution No. 5598 Designating the Southside Village Neighborhood as a Historic Conservation District Located in the Southeast Quadrant of Arizona Avenue and Frye Road and Bounded by Arizona Avenue to the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks and by Frye Road to Pecos Road |
Move City Council adopt Resolution No. 5598 designating the Southside Village Neighborhood as a Historic Conservation District to honor the history and heritage of Southside Village, located in the southeast quadrant of Arizona Avenue and Frye Road and bounded by Arizona Avenue to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and by Frye Road to Pecos Road. |
Council Focus Area(s):
7. |
Preliminary Development Plan, PLH22-0017 Andy's Frozen Custard, Located South of the Southeast Corner of McQueen Road and Chandler Boulevard |
Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH22-0017 Andy's Frozen Custard for site layout and building architecture for a new drive-thru restaurant, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
Economic Development |
8. |
Agreement with Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) for Fiscal Year 2022-23 |
Move City Council approve the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 agreement with the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) for regional economic development services, in the amount of $137,209, for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. |
Fire Department |
9. |
Resolution No. 5564 Emergency Cooperation Agreement between the City of Chandler and Dignity Health |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5564, approving an Emergency Cooperation Agreement with Dignity Health, authorizing the City Manager to execute the Agreement, and authorizing the Fire Chief to implement the provisions of the Agreement. |
Council Focus Area(s):
10. |
Resolution No. 5600, approving a First Amendment to the Educational Affiliation Agreement between Phoenix Children's Hospital, Inc., and the City of Chandler, through the Chandler Fire Department, for Paramedic Student Clinical Training and Education |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5600 authorizing the Chandler Fire Department (CFD) to extend the term of the agreement with Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Inc. (PCH), to allow clinical training and education for paramedic students to aid in meeting paramedic program requirements. |
Council Focus Area(s):
11. |
Purchase of Extractors for the Fire Stations |
Move City Council approve the sole source purchase of extractors, from Coin & Professional Equipment Co., in the amount of $147,952. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Information Technology |
12. |
Purchase of SolarWinds Software Annual Maintenance |
Move the City Council approve the purchase of SolarWinds software annual maintenance, from SHI International, utilizing the Omnia Partners Contract No. 2018011-02, in the amount of $74,701, for the term of August 18, 2022, through August 17, 2023. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Management Services |
13. |
Agreement No. 4481, with Piper Sandler & Co., for Financial Advisor Services |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. 4481, with Piper Sandler & Co., for financial advisor services, for a two-year term, beginning July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2024, with the option of up to two two-year extensions. |
Council Focus Area(s):
14. |
Agreement No. MS8-946-3817, Amendment No. 4, for Lockbox Services |
Move to approve Agreement No. MS8-946-3817, Amendment No. 4, with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., for lockbox services, in the amount of $68,500, for the period of August 1, 2022, through July 31, 2023. |
Council Focus Area(s):
15. |
Purchase of Office Supplies |
Move the City Council approve the purchase of office supplies, from Staples Business Advantage, utilizing the Sourcewell Contract No. 012320-SCC, for the period of April 1, 2022, through March 31, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $220,000. |
Council Focus Area(s):
16. |
New License Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License application for Hi 5 Sushi, LLC, DBA Hi 5 Sushi |
Move for recommendation to the State Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for approval of the State Liquor Job No. 199998, a Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License, for Ben Phoung Lam, Agent, Hi 5 Sushi, LLC, DBA Hi 5 Sushi, located at 225 W. Warner Road, Suite 3, and approval of the City of Chandler, Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License No. 303584. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Neighborhood Resources |
17. |
Resolution No. 5604 Approving to Submit a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Application to HUD to Implement the Redevelopment of Chandler Public Housing Portfolio |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5604, authorizing the City Manager or his Designee to submit an application to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and to implement the redevelopment of the Chandler Public Housing Portfolio with the City of Chandler Housing and Redevelopment Division as Developer/Co-Developer, and authorizing the City Manager to take all action necessary to implement and operate all phases of the redevelopment and disburse public housing and/or affordable housing funds for related projects. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Public Works and Utilities |
18. |
Agreement No. WW0-885-4137, Amendment No. 2, with In-Pipe Technology, LLC, and USP Technologies, LLC, for Collection System Odor and Corrosion Control |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. WW0-885-4137, Amendment No. 2, with In-Pipe Technology, LLC, and USP Technologies, LLC, for collection system odor and corrosion control, in a combined amount not to exceed $750,000, for a one-year period, July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. |
Council Focus Area(s):
19. |
Professional Services Agreement No. WA2203.201, with GHD, Inc., for the Water Main Replacement 2022 Design Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WA2203.201 to GHD, Inc., for the Water Main Replacement 2022 Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $808,781.50. |
Council Focus Area(s):
20. |
Project Agreement No. WA2107.401, with Felix Construction Company, Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1913.401, for the Hunt Highway Water Production Facility Ground Subsidence Mitigation |
Move City Council award Project Agreement No. WA2107.401 to Felix Construction Company, Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1913.401, for the Hunt Highway Water Production Facility Ground Subsidence Mitigation, in an amount not to exceed $466,622. |
Council Focus Area(s):
21. |
Professional Services Agreement No. WW2210.201, with Dibble & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc., for the Price Road Frontage Road Sewer Rehabilitation Design Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WW2210.201 to Dibble & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc., for the Price Road Frontage Road Sewer Rehabilitation Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $270,000. |
Council Focus Area(s):
22. |
Project Agreement No. WA2104.401, with PCL Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1915.401, for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Filter Improvements – Phase 1 |
Move City Council award Project Agreement No. WA2104.401, to PCL Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1915.401, for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Filter Improvements – Phase 1, in an amount not to exceed $1,894,778.44. |
Council Focus Area(s):
23. |
Project Agreement No. WA2104.402, with PCL Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1915.401, for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Filter Improvements – Phase 2 |
Move City Council award Project Agreement No. WA2104.402 to PCL Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1915.401, for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Filter Improvements – Phase 2, in an amount not to exceed $1,684,593.88. |
Council Focus Area(s):
24. |
Professional Services Agreement No. WA2104.451, with Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Filter Media Replacement Construction Management Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WA2104.451 to Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Filter Media Replacement Construction Management Services, in an amount not to exceed $412,305. |
Council Focus Area(s):
25. |
Professional Services Agreement No. WA2107.451, with Arcadis U.S., Inc., for the Hunt Highway Water Production Facility Ground Subsidence Mitigation Construction Management Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WA2107.451 to Arcadis U.S., Inc., for the Hunt Highway Water Production Facility Ground Subsidence Mitigation Construction Management Services, in an amount not to exceed $164,796. |
Council Focus Area(s):
26. |
Sole Source Purchase of Professional Services for InfraMap Software Upgrade |
Move City Council approve the sole source purchase of professional services to upgrade the City's InfraMap software, from iWater, Inc., in the amount of $35,880. |
Council Focus Area(s):
27. |
Construction Manager at Risk Contract No. WW2106.251, with MGC Contractors, Inc., for the Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Pre-Construction Services |
Move City Council award Construction Manager at Risk Contract No. WW2106.251 to MGC Contractors, Inc., for the Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Pre-Construction Services, in an amount not to exceed $104,476.81. |
Council Focus Area(s):
28. |
Purchase of Traffic Signal Maintenance Services |
Move City Council approve the purchase of traffic signal maintenance services from Roadway Electric, LLC, utilizing City of Mesa Contract No. 2022146, and from CS Construction, Inc., utilizing City of Scottsdale Contract No. 2019-195-COS, in a combined amount not to exceed $150,000, for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Informational |
29. |
Special Event Liquor Licenses and Temporary and Permanent Extensions of Liquor License Premises Administratively Approved |
Council Focus Area(s):
30. |
Study Session and Regular Minutes of June 1, 2022, Planning and Zoning Commission |
Council Focus Area(s):
Unscheduled Public Appearances |
Current Events
1. Mayor's Announcements
2. Council's Announcements
3. City Manager's Announcements |
Adjourn |