Regular Meeting Agenda
Call to Order |
Roll Call |
Invocation - Pastor Timothy Klomtz, Family Bible Church |
Pledge of Allegiance |
Consent Agenda
Items listed on the Consent Agenda may be enacted by one motion and one vote. If a discussion is required by members of the governing body, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion and determination will be made if the item will be considered separately. |
City Clerk |
1. |
January 2022 City Council Minutes |
Move City Council approve the Council Meeting minutes of the Special Meeting of January 10, 2022; Study Session of January 10, 2022; Work Session of January 13, 2022; and the Regular Meeting of January 13, 2022. |
Council Focus Area(s):
City Manager |
2. |
Resolution No. 5548, Revised Joint Project Agreement with the State of Arizona for the Loop 101 and 202 Freeway Waterline and Sewer Rehabilitation and Repealing Resolution No. 5538 |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5548, repealing resolution No. 5538 and authorizing the City of Chandler to enter into a revised Joint Project Agreement with the State of Arizona for the Loop 101 and 202 Freeway Waterline and Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $8,000,000, and authorize the City Manager or designee to take actions necessary on behalf of the City of Chandler to carry out the intent of the Agreement, and approve a contingency appropriation transfer of $4,000,000 from the Water Operating Fund, Non-Departmental, Contingency Account (605.1290.5911) to Capital Grants Fund, Water Capital Project Cost Center, Main & Valve Replacements Program (417.3820.6714.0.6WA023) to supplement the existing appropriation for spending of the State allocated funds. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Community Services |
3. |
Professional Services Agreement No. PR2202.201 for Design Services with J2 Engineering & Environmental Design, LLC, for Arrowhead Meadows Park Tennis & Pickleball Court Replacement. |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. PR2202.201 for Design Services to J2 Engineering & Environmental Design, LLC, for Arrowhead Meadows Park Tennis & Pickleball Court Replacement, in an amount not to exceed $50,445. |
Council Focus Area(s):
4. |
Construction Contract No. PR1902.401 with DNG Construction, LLC, for Homestead North Park. |
Move City Council award Contract No. PR1902.401 to DNG Construction, LLC, for Homestead North Park, in an amount not to exceed $3,687,179.05. |
Council Focus Area(s):
5. |
Professional Services Agreement No. PR1902.271 for Post-Design Services with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for Homestead North Park. |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. PR1902.271, for Post-Design Services, to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for Homestead North Park, in an amount not to exceed $36,635.00. |
Council Focus Area(s):
6. |
Project Agreement No. CS2201.401 with Caliente Construction Inc, for Arrowhead, Folley, and Nozomi Aquatic Centers Safety Improvements |
Move City Council award Project Agreement No. CS2201.401 to Caliente Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1904.401, for Arrowhead, Folley, and Nozomi Aquatic Centers Safety Improvements, in an amount not to exceed $86,614.33. |
Council Focus Area(s):
7. |
Project Agreement No. CS2202.401 with Caliente Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1904.401, for Hamilton Aquatic Center Safety Improvements – Trench Drain Replacement |
Move City Council award Project Agreement No. CS2202.401 to Caliente Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1904.401, for Hamilton Aquatic Center Safety Improvements – Trench Drain Replacement, in an amount not to exceed $83,947.43. |
Council Focus Area(s):
8. |
Project Agreement No. CS2203.401 with Caliente Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1904.401, for Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center – Ultraviolet System Replacement. |
Move City Council award Project Agreement No. CS2203.401 to Caliente Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1904.401, for Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center – Ultraviolet System Replacement, in an amount not to exceed $158,401.71. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Development Services |
9. |
Introduction of Ordinance No. 5000, ANX21-0003 Annexation and initial City zoning of approximately 0.27 acres located north of the northeast corner of Arizona Avenue and Germann Road |
Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 5000 approving the annexation of approximately 0.27 acres and Initial City zoning - North of the Northeast corner of Arizona Avenue and Germann Road, as recommended by Planning staff. |
10. |
Introduction of Ordinance No. 5001, PLH21-0032/PLT21-0034 Arizona Avenue Commerce Center, located north of the northeast corner of Arizona Avenue and Germann Road |
Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 5001 approving PLH21-0032 Arizona Avenue Commerce Center, Rezoning approximately 16.6 acres from Agricultural District (AG-1), Regional Commercial (C-3), and Planned Area Development (PAD) to PAD for commercial, office, business park, and light industrial uses, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Preliminary Development Plan
Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH21-0032 Arizona Avenue Commerce Center for site layout and building architecture, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Preliminary Plat
Move City Council approve Preliminary Plat PLT21-0034 Arizona Avenue Commerce Center, subject to the condition recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
11. |
Use Permit, PLH21-0067 ImprovMania Entertainment, 51 E. Boston Street, generally located east of the southeast corner of Arizona Avenue and Boston Street |
Move City Council approve Use Permit PLH21-0067 ImprovMania Entertainment, requesting a Series 7 Beer and Wine Bar license and an Entertainment Use Permit for acoustic and amplified live bands, DJ, and speakers with background music indoors and on an outdoor patio, subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
12. |
Use Permit, PLH21-0035 Verizon Pho Twelve Oaks, 360 S Twelve Oaks Blvd., generally located 1/2 mile south of Chandler Boulevard at the Rural Road alignment |
Move City Council approve Use Permit, PLH21-0035 Verizon Pho Twelve Oaks to modify and relocate an existing wireless facility subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
Council Focus Area(s):
13. |
Entertainment Use Permit, PLH21-0087 The Forum, located at 2301 S. Stearman Drive, generally located west of the northwest corner of Gilbert Road and Insight Way |
Move City Council approve PLH21-0087 The Forum Use Permit expansion of premises for a Series 6 Bar license and an Entertainment Use Permit for live music inside and on an outdoor patio located at 2301 S. Stearman Drive, subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
14. |
Entertainment Use Permit, PLH21-0092 Celoni Hospitality DBA Recreo located at 28 S. San Marcos Place, generally located ¼ mile south of the southwest corner of Arizona Avenue and Chandler Boulevard. |
Move City Council approve Entertainment Use Permit PLH21-0092 Celoni Hospitality DBA Recreo located at 28 S. San Marcos Place, generally located ¼ mile south of the southwest corner of Arizona Avenue and Chandler Boulevard, subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Fire Department |
15. |
Resolution No. 5535, Intergovernmental Agreement with the Town of Guadalupe to provide Firefighter Training |
Move City Council approve Resolution No. 5535, authorizing the Mayor to execute an intergovernmental agreement with the Town of Guadalupe allowing the Chandler Fire Department to provide firefighting and emergency medical training to the Guadalupe Fire Department. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Information Technology |
16. |
Purchase of Tenable Software Support |
Move City Council approve the purchase of Tenable software support, from SHI International Corporation, utilizing the Omnia Partners Contract No. 2018011-02, in an amount not to exceed $94,530. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Management Services |
17. |
Claims Report for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2021 |
Move to accept the claims report for the quarter ending December 31, 2021, which is included with this memo as an attachment. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Police Department |
18. |
Resolution No. 5537, Agreement with Off Duty Management for Management and Administrative Services for Police Department's Extra Duty Program and Assignments |
Move City Council approve Resolution No. 5537, Authorizing an Agreement between the City of Chandler and Off Duty Management, Inc. (ODM), to Provide Management and Administrative Services to the Police Department's Extra Duty Program and Assignments; and Authorizing the Chief of Police to Sign, Administer, Execute, and Submit all Documents and Other Necessary Instruments in Connection with Such Agreement. |
Council Focus Area(s):
19. |
Professional Services Agreement No. PD2205.201 for Design Services with Arrington Watkins Architects, LLC, for Police Work Area and Storage Renovation Design Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. PD2205.201 for Design Services, to Arrington Watkins Architects, LLC, for Police Work Area and Storage Renovation Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $102,600. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Public Works and Utilities |
20. |
Purchase of Drywell Maintenance, Installation, and Repair Services |
Move City Council approve the purchase of drywell maintenance, installation, and repair services, from Torrent Resources, utilizing City of Surprise Contract No. 320156, in an amount not to exceed $273,420. |
Council Focus Area(s):
21. |
Introduction of Ordinance No. 5004 Amending Chandler City Code Chapter 43 (Public Works and Utilities Department) Section 43-4.5 Pertaining to the Adoption of Public Works Standards, Specifications and Regulations |
Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 5004 declaring that document entitled “2022 Amendments to Chandler City Code Chapter 43, Section 43- 4.5” to be a public record; amending the Code of the City of Chandler, Chapter 43 (Public Works and Utilities Department), Section 43-4.5 to adopt the City of Chandler Engineering and Design Standards Manual (2022 Edition) as may be periodically amended by the Public Works and Utilities Department Director, or designee; providing for the repeal of conflicting ordinances; and providing for severability. |
Council Focus Area(s):
22. |
Professional Services Agreement No. WA1810.201, Amendment No. 2, with Dibble & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc., dba Dibble Engineering, for Lindsay Road Water Main Replacement Design Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WA1810.201, Amendment No. 2, to Dibble & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc., dba Dibble Engineering, for the Lindsay Road Water Main Replacement Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $28,872, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $86,114. |
Council Focus Area(s):
23. |
Construction Contract No. ST2006.401, with B&F Contracting, Inc., for Traffic Signal Installation |
Move City Council award Construction Contract No. ST2006.401, to B&F Contracting, Inc., for Traffic Signal Installation at Warner Road and Nevada Street, in an amount not to exceed $594,681.82. |
Council Focus Area(s):
24. |
Resolution No. 5539, Authorizing the City of Chandler to Enter into an Agreement to Share Costs for the Feasibility Study of Bartlett Dam Modification Alternatives and Repealing Resolution No. 5533 Authorizing a Previous Version of the Agreement |
Move City Council approve Resolution No. 5539 authorizing the City of Chandler to enter into an agreement to share costs for the Feasibility Study of Bartlett Dam Modification Alternatives Among Various Participating Entities and Salt River Agricultural Improvement and Power District in the amount not to exceed $400,000, and repealing Resolution No. 5533 authorizing a previous version of the agreement. |
Council Focus Area(s):
25. |
Professional Services Agreement No. ST2103.101, with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the Ray Road and Dobson Road Intersection Improvements Study Consultant Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. ST2103.101, with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the Ray Road and Dobson Road Intersection Improvements Study Consultant Services, in an amount not to exceed $167,130. |
Council Focus Area(s):
26. |
Sole Source Purchase of Hach Equipment, Service, and Parts |
Move City Council approve the sole source purchase of Hach equipment, service, and parts, from Hach Company, in the amount of $600,000, for a two-year term, February 1, 2022, through January 31, 2024. |
Council Focus Area(s):
27. |
Sole Source Purchase of Arsenic Removal Filter Media |
Move City Council approve the sole source purchase of arsenic removal filter media, from Evoqua Water Technologies, in an amount not to exceed $220,000. |
Council Focus Area(s):
28. |
Resolution No. 5545, Authorizing Project Agreement No. 5 Under the Public Infrastructure Master Agreement Dated May 24, 2019, with Intel Corporation |
Move City Council approve Resolution No. 5545, authorizing Project Agreement No. 5 under the Public Infrastructure Master Agreement dated May 24, 2019, between the City of Chandler and Intel Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, for the construction of improvements to the City's Airport Water Reclamation and Ocotillo Water Reclamation facilities needed to serve Intel’s campus at 4500 S. Dobson Road. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Action Agenda |
29. |
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2021, and Resolution No. 5542 |
Move City Council accept the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and related financial audit reports submitted by Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C. for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021, and approve Resolution No. 5542 to demonstrate compliance with §9-481(H) and ARS §41-1494. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Unscheduled Public Appearances |
Current Events
1. Mayor's Announcements
2. Council's Announcements
3. City Manager's Announcements |
Adjourn |