City Council Regular image
City Council Regular Meeting
Thursday, August 12, 2021
6:00 p.m.
Chandler City Council Chambers
88 E. Chicago St., Chandler, AZ
City of Chandler logo
Our Vision
We are a world-class City that provides an exceptional quality of life.
Our Brand
A safe, diverse, equitable and inclusive community that connects people, chooses innovation and inspires excellence.

Our Goals
City Council Strategic Policy Goals
1. Being the most connected City
2. Being a leader in trust and transparency
3. Maintaining fiscal sustainability
4. Attracting a range of private sector businesses
5. Fostering a contemporary culture that embraces unity
6. Being safe and beautiful
Pursuant to Resolution No. 4464 of the City of Chandler and to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Chandler City Council and to the general public that the Chandler City Council will hold a REGULAR MEETING open to the public on Thursday, August 12, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., in the Chandler City Council Chambers, 88 E. Chicago Street, Chandler, Arizona. One or more members of the Chandler City Council may attend this meeting by telephone.

Persons with disabilities may request a reasonable modification or communication aids and services by contacting the City Clerk’s office at 480-782-2181 (711 via AZRS). Please make requests in advance as it affords the City time to accommodate the request.

Agendas are available in the Office of the City Clerk, 175 S. Arizona Avenue.

Chandler Street scene
Regular Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Roll Call
Invocation - Pastor Victor Hardy, Congregational Church of the Valley
Pledge of Allegiance
Scheduled Public Appearances
1.   Proclamation - Drowning Impact Awareness Month
Consent Agenda
Items listed on the Consent Agenda may be enacted by one motion and one vote. If a discussion is required by members of the governing body, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion and determination will be made if the item will be considered separately.
1.   Resolution No. 5505, accept Federal American Rescue Plan Act Grant for Airport Operating Purposes
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5505 authorizing a grant agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration to accept an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant not to exceed $59,000 for airport operating purposes; and authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute the grant agreement and all other documents necessary to effect the agreement.
Council Focus Area(s):
City Clerk
City Clerk
2.   July 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes
  Move City Council approve the Council Meeting minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 12, 2021, Study Session of July 12, 2021, Special Meeting of July 15, 2021, Regular Meeting of July 15, 2021, and Special Meeting of July 20, 2021.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
3.   Board and Commission Appointment
  Move City Council approve the Board and Commission appointment as recommended.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
City Manager
City Manager
4.   League of Arizona Cities and Towns Annual Dues
  Move City Council authorize the payment of FY 2021-2022 membership dues to the League of Arizona Cities and Towns in the amount of $100,800. 
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
Community Services
Community Services
5.   Resolution No. 5500 adopting the Parks Strategic Master Plan 2021
  Move City Council approve Resolution No. 5500 adopting the Parks Strategic Master Plan 2021.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
6.   Project Agreement No. PR1808.402 with Foresite Design & Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1905.401, for Mountain View Park Sidewalk and Drainage Improvements
  Move City Council award Project Agreement No. PR1808.402 to Foresite Design & Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1905.401, for Mountain View Park Sidewalk and Drainage Improvements, in an amount not to exceed $141,966.64.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life Neighborhoods
7.   Agreement No. CS2-595-4335, with Pioneer Landscape Centers, Inc., for Rock, Granite, and Miscellaneous Supplies
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. CS2-595-4335, with Pioneer Landscape Centers, Inc., for rock, granite, and miscellaneous supplies, in an amount not to exceed $540,000, for a one-year period, September 1, 2021, through August 31, 2022, with the option of up to four (4) additional one-year extensions. 
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
Cultural Development
Cultural Development
8.   First Amendment to the 2018-2022 Ostrich Festival Agreement with Chandler Chamber of Commerce and Steve LeVine Entertainment, LLC
  Move City Council approve the First Amendment to the 2018-2022 License Agreement with Chandler Chamber of Commerce and Steve LeVine Entertainment, LLC, extending the Agreement to 2024 and allowing a second week of the Ostrich Festival in 2022.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
Development Services
Development Services
9.   Introduction and Tentative Adoption of Ordinance No. 4978, Adoption of Resolution No. 5502, PLH21-0030/PLH21-0015/PLT21-0011 Old Stone Ranch Phase 4 
  Area Plan
Move City Council approve Resolution No. 5502, PLH21-0030, amending the Brooks Ranch Area Plan by adding Single-Family Medium Density (0-6 du/ac), as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.

Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 4978 approving PLH21-0015 Old Stone Ranch Phase 4, Rezoning from Agricultural (AG-1) District to Planned Area Development (PAD) for Single-family Residential located west of the northwest corner of Chandler Heights and Lindsay roads, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.

Preliminary Development Plan
Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH21-0015 Old Stone Ranch Phase 4 for subdivision layout and housing product located west of the northwest corner of Chandler Heights and Lindsay roads, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.

Preliminary Plat
Move City Council approve Preliminary Plat PLT21-0011 Old Stone Ranch Phase 4 located west of the northwest corner of Chandler Heights and Lindsay roads, subject to the condition recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
10.   Introduction of Ordinance No. 4980, PLH20-0059 Price & Queen Creek Campus
Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 4980 approving PLH20-0059 Price & Queen Creek Campus, rezoning from AG-1 to PAD for office, manufacturing, and ancillary commercial uses with a Mid-Rise Overlay for building heights up to 150 feet located at the northeast corner of Price and Queen Creek roads, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.

Preliminary Development Plan
Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH20-0059 for Price & Queen Creek Campus located at the northeast corner of Price and Queen Creek roads, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
11.   Preliminary Development Plan, PLH20-0069 Chandler Corporate Center Lots 8 & 10
  Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH20-0069 Chandler Corporate Center Lots 8 & 10, located north of the northwest corner of Chandler Boulevard and McClintock Drive, subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
12.   Preliminary Development Plan, PLH20-0072/PLT21-0016 Chandler Airpark Technology Center 
  Preliminary Development Plan
Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH21-0072 Chandler Airpark Technology Center, located at the southwest corner of Gilbert Road and Insight Way, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. 

Preliminary Plat
Move City Council approve Preliminary Plat PLT21-0016 Chandler Airpark Technology Center, located at the southwest corner of Gilbert Road and Insight Way, subject to the condition recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
13.   Preliminary Development Plan, PLH21-0033 Crave Chandler
  Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH21-0033 Crave Chandler for site layout and building architecture for a one-story commercial building, located on the southeast corner of Cooper Road and Yeager Drive, generally located about one quarter of a mile south of the Santan Freeway on the east side of Cooper Road, subject to conditions as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
14.   Preliminary Development Plan, PLH21-0036 Compass Christian Church
  Preliminary Development Plan
Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH21-0036 for exterior signage for Compass Christian Church, located at 1825 S. Alma School Road, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
15.   Preliminary and Final Plat, PLT21-0002 and PLT21-0027 Nevada and Commonwealth
  Move City Council approve Preliminary Plat PLT21-0002 and Final Plat PLT21-0027 located at the southeast corner of Nevada Street and Commonwealth Avenue, generally located approximately one quarter of a mile south and east of Chandler Boulevard and Arizona Avenue as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
16.   Final Plat approval PLT20-0022, Queen Creek Commerce Center
  Move City Council approve Final Plat PLT20-0022, Queen Creek Commerce Center, located at the southwest corner of Queen Creek Road and Hamilton Street, as recommended by Development Services Staff.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
17.   Use Permit, PLH20-0070 Dogtopia Use Permit Extension
  Move City Council approve Use Permit, PLH20-0070 Dogtopia Use Permit Extension, located at 4901 S. Arizona Avenue, Suite 7, at the northeast corner of Arizona Avenue and Chandler Heights Road, subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
18.   Use Permit, PLH21-0046 Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant 
  Move City Council approve Use Permit PLH21-0046 Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant, located at 3325 West Chandler Boulevard, approximately one quarter of a mile west of the southwest corner of Price Road and Chandler Boulevard, subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
Economic Development
Economic Development
19.   Resolution No. 5501 designating the City of Chandler Economic Development Division as Chandler’s Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for fiscal year (FY) 2021-2022
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5501 designating the City of Chandler Economic Development Division as Chandler’s Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for fiscal year (FY) 2021-2022; and authorizing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any documents and instruments for purposes of this resolution.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
Fire Department
20.   Resolution No. 5504 Agreement with Maricopa Medical for Ambulance Services
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5504, authorizing the City of Chandler to enter into an amended agreement with Maricopa Medical for the provision of ambulance services.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
21.   Payment to City of Phoenix for Fire and Emergency Medical Dispatch Services
  Move City Council approve payment for fire and emergency medical dispatch services for Fiscal Year 2021-22, in accordance with the current intergovernmental agreement with the City of Phoenix, in the amount of $1,321,186.44.    
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
22.   Payment to City of Phoenix for Firefighter Health Services
  Move City Council approve payment for Firefighter Physical Examinations for Fiscal Year 2021-22, in accordance with the intergovernmental agreement with the City of Phoenix, in the amount of $166,804.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
Information Technology
Information Technology
23.   Purchase of Electronic Data Management System Annual Maintenance
  Move City Council approve the purchase of electronic data management system annual maintenance, from InStream, in the amount of $61,292.
Council Focus Area(s):
Innovation and Technology General Governance
24.   Purchase of Annual Support for the Talent Management Suite
  Move City Council approve the sole source purchase of annual support for the talent management suite, from Saba Software, Inc., in the amount of $145,307.
Council Focus Area(s):
Innovation and Technology General Governance
Management Services
Management Services
25.   New License Series 7, Beer and Wine Bar Liquor License Application for The Sugar Bar, LLC, DBA The Sugar Bar
  Move for recommendation to the State Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for approval of the State Liquor Job No. 07070071, a Series 7, Beer and Wine Bar Liquor License, for Kyle Joseph Hess, Agent, The Sugar Bar, LLC, DBA The Sugar Bar, located at 960 E Warner Road, Suite 6, and approval of the City of Chandler, Series 7, Beer and Wine Bar Liquor License No. 301053.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
26.   License Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License Application for Bourbon Richard's, LLC, DBA Rosati's Pizza
  Move for recommendation to the State Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for approval of the State Liquor Job No. 153309, a Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License, for Jeffrey Craig Miller, Agent, Bourbon Richard's, LLC, DBA Rosati's Pizza, located at 1050 E. Ray Road, Suite 2, and approval of the City of Chandler, Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License No. 301274.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
Mayor and Council
Mayor and Council
27.   Appointment of City Manager and Approval of Employment Agreement
  Move City Council appoint Joshua Wright as City Manager and approve an Employment Agreement for the term of August 13, 2021, through June 30, 2022, with an annual base salary of $261,500.
Police Department
28.   Purchase of Armored Rescue Vehicle Replacement
  Move City Council approve the purchase of an armored rescue vehicle, from Lenco Armored Vehicles, Inc, utilizing City of Tempe Contract No. T22-003-01, in the amount of $350,900.30.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
Public Works and Utilities
Public Works and Utilities
29.   Introduction of Ordinance No. 4979 Repealing Ordinance No. 4964 (Authorizing the Sale of a Parcel of City-Owned Land at the Southwest Corner of McQueen Road and Pecos Road to WNDG, LLC, an Arizona Limited Liability Corporation) and Authorizing the Sale of a Parcel of City-Owned Land at the Southwest Corner of McQueen Road and Pecos Road to Copperstate West, Inc.
  Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 4979 repealing Ordinance No. 4964 (authorizing the sale of a parcel of City-owned Land at the southwest corner of McQueen Road and Pecos Road to WNDG, LLC, an Arizona Limited Liability Corporation) and authorizing the sale of a parcel of City-owned land at the southwest corner of McQueen Road and Pecos Road to Copperstate West, Inc., for the sum of $500.00.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
30.   Resolution No. 5503, Authorizing the City of Chandler to Enter into an Agreement to Share Costs Associated with Seeking to Obtain Approval for the Operation of the Flood Control Space in Modified Roosevelt Dam under a Temporary Deviation to the Water Control Plan Among Various Participating Entities and Salt River Agricultural Improvement and Power District
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5503, authorizing the City of Chandler to enter into an agreement to share costs associated with seeking to obtain approval for the operation of the Flood Control Space in Modified Roosevelt Dam under a temporary deviation to the Water Control Plan among various participating entities and Salt River Agricultural Improvement and Power District in the amount of $61,347.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
31.   Agreement No. ST7-750-3808, Amendment No. 3, with Arizona Materials, LLC, for Ready Mix Concrete Materials
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. ST7-750-3808, Amendment No. 3, with Arizona Materials, LLC, for ready mix concrete materials, in an amount not to exceed $70,000, for a one-year period, August 1, 2021, through July 31, 2022.
Council Focus Area(s):
32.   Agreement No. PW0-285-4197, Amendment No. 1, with AM Signal, LLC; Clark Transportation Solutions; JTB Supply Company; and Sierra Transportation Technologies, for Traffic Signal Equipment
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. PW0-285-4197, Amendment No. 1, with AM Signal, LLC; Clark Transportation Solutions; JTB Supply Company; and Sierra Transportation Technologies, for traffic signal equipment, in a combined amount not to exceed $720,000, for a one-year period, September 1, 2021, through August 31, 2022.
Council Focus Area(s):
Mobility Quality of Life
33.   Agreement No. PW1-885-4313, with Aquafit Chlorination Systems, LLC; Calgon Carbon Corporation; CarbPure Technologies, LLC; DPC Enterprises, L.P.; Hill Brothers Chemical Company; Momar, Inc.; Polydyne, Inc.; Salt Works; Solenis, LLC; Thatcher Company of Arizona, Inc.; TR International Trading Company; Univar Solutions USA, Inc.; and Waternuts Aquatic Enterprise, Inc., dba Commercial Pool Repair, for the Purchase of Water Treatment Chemicals
  Move City Council award Agreement No. PW1-885-4313 to Aquafit Chlorination Systems, LLC; Calgon Carbon Corporation; CarbPure Technologies, LLC; DPC Enterprises, L.P.; Hill Brothers Chemical Company; Momar, Inc.; Polydyne, Inc.; Salt Works; Solenis, LLC; Thatcher Company of Arizona, Inc.; TR International Trading Company; Univar Solutions USA, Inc.; and Waternuts Aquatic Enterprise, Inc., dba Commercial Pool Repair, for the purchase of water treatment chemicals, in a combined amount not to exceed $9,025,100, for a one-year term, August 15, 2021, through August 14, 2022, with the option of up to four one-year extensions.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
34.   Payment of Membership Dues to Arizona Municipal Water Users Association
  Move City Council approve payment of fiscal year 2021-2022 membership dues to the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association in the amount of $101,948.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
35.   Purchase of Water Treatment Chemicals
  Move City Council approve the purchase of water treatment chemicals, from Thatcher Company of Arizona, Inc., utilizing Omnia Partners Contract No. 212528, and from Brenntag Pacific Inc., Hill Brothers Chemical Company, and Thatcher Company of Arizona, Inc., utilizing City of Mesa Contract No. 2020135, in a combined amount not to exceed $3,890,462, for a one-year term, August 15, 2021, through August 14, 2022, and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign linking agreements.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
36.   Professional Services Agreement No. EN2201.451, with Kitchell CEM, Inc., for On-Call Program and Construction Management Services
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. EN2201.451, to Kitchell CEM, Inc., for On-Call Program and Construction Management Services, in an amount not to exceed $750,000 per year, for a two-year term, with the option of one (1) two-year extension.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
37.   Professional Services Agreement No. ST2009.201, Amendment No. 1, with Premier Engineering Corporation, for the Dobson Road Improvements at Intel Driveways #1 and #4 Design Services
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. ST2009.201, Amendment No. 1, to Premier Engineering Corporation, for the Dobson Road Improvements at Intel Driveways #1 and #4 Design Services, increasing the contract limit by $72,751.13, for a revised contract amount not to exceed of $239,573.13.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
38.   Professional Services Agreement No. WA2104.201, with Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Filter Media Replacement Design Services
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WA2104.201 to Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Filter Media Replacement Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $471,270.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
39.   Professional Services Agreement No. WA2106.201, with Dick & Fritsche Design Group, Inc., for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Laboratory and Administration Building HVAC Renovations Design Services
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WA2106.201 to Dick & Fritsche Design Group, Inc., for the Pecos Surface Water Treatment Plant Laboratory and Administration Building HVAC Renovations Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $375,889.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life Innovation and Technology
40.   Professional Services Agreement No. WA2110.101, with Stantec Consulting Services Inc., for the Hydraulic Modeling Support Consultant Services
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WA2110.101, to Stantec Consulting Services Inc., for the Hydraulic Modeling Support Consultant Services, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
41.   Professional Services Agreement No. WW2108.101, with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for the Reclaimed Water System Study Design Services
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WW2108.101 to Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for the Reclaimed Water System Study Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $420,400.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
42.   Professional Services Agreement No. WW2111.202, with Wilson Engineers, LLC, for the Chandler Heights Road Utility Relocations Design Services
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WW2111.202 to Wilson Engineers, LLC, for the Chandler Heights Road Utility Relocations Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $499,940.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life Innovation and Technology
43.   Briefing on COVID-19 as requested by Councilmember Harris
44.   Briefing on eviction prevention and utilities assistance as requested by Councilmember Harris
45.   Special Event Liquor Licenses and Temporary and Permanent Extensions of Liquor License Premises Administratively Approved
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
46.   Study Session and Regular Minutes of June 16, 2021, Planning and Zoning Commission
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
Unscheduled Public Appearances
Current Events
1. Mayor's Announcements
2. Council's Announcements
3. City Manager's Announcements


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