Regular Meeting Agenda
Call to Order |
Roll Call |
Invocation - Elder Bruce Lundquist, Faith Church |
Pledge of Allegiance |
Consent Agenda
Items listed on the Consent Agenda may be enacted by one motion and one vote. If a discussion is required by members of the governing body, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion and determination will be made if the item will be considered separately. |
Airport |
1. |
Resolution No. 5482 authorizing a grant agreement with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) to accept a grant in an amount not to exceed $996,750 for the installation of a wildlife exclusion fence at the Chandler Municipal Airport |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5482 authorizing a grant agreement with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) to accept a grant in an amount not to exceed $996,750 for the installation of a wildlife exclusion fence at the Chandler Municipal Airport; and authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute the grant agreement. |
Council Focus Area(s):
2. |
Resolution No. 5485 authorizing a grant agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to accept a grant in an amount not to exceed $300,000 for reconstruction of drainage headwalls. |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5485, authorizing a grant agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to accept a grant in an amount not to exceed $300,000 for reconstruction of drainage headwalls on Runway 4L-22R at Chandler Municipal Airport; and authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute the grant agreement and all other documents necessary to effect the agreement. |
Council Focus Area(s):
3. |
Construction Contract No. AI2003.401 with Combs Construction Company, Inc., for Runway 4L-22R Headwall Reconstruction |
Move City Council award Contract No. AI2003.401 to Combs Construction Company, Inc., for Runway 4L-22R Headwall Reconstruction, in an amount not to exceed $230,541. |
Council Focus Area(s):
City Clerk |
4. |
May 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes |
Move City Council approve the Council meeting minutes of the Work Session, Special Meeting, and Study Session of May 10, 2021; the Micro Retreat of May 12, 2021; Work Session, Regular Meeting, Special Meeting - Budget Amendments, and Special Meeting of May 13, 2021; and Special Meeting of May 17, 2021. |
Council Focus Area(s):
City Manager |
5. |
Agreement No. CM9-918-4069, Amendment No. 2, for Transportation Consulting Services |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. CM9-918-4069, Amendment No. 2, with Jeff Martin Consulting, LLC, for transportation consulting services, in an amount not to exceed $45,000, for the period of June 15, 2021, through June 14, 2022. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Cultural Development |
6. |
Final Adoption of No. Ordinance No. 4971 Purchase Agreement for property located at 51 E. Boston Street |
Move City Council approve Ordinance No. 4971, adopting the provisions of a Purchase Agreement between Specht Commercial Properties, LLC, and the City of Chandler for the sale of 51 E. Boston Street, and authorizing the City Manager to sign all related documents as approved by the City Attorney. |
Council Focus Area(s):
7. |
Resolution No. 5487, Authorizing the City Manager or Designee to Approve Applications for Special Events and Temporary or Permanent Extension of Premises for Alcohol Consumption |
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5487, authorizing the City Manager or designee to approve applications for special events and temporary or permanent extension of premises for alcohol consumption, resuming application fees with a maximum fee of $100 per application, and resetting time limits for temporary sales and promotional events beginning June 1, 2021. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Development Services |
8. |
Final Adoption of Ordinance 4966, ANX20-0005 Annexation and Initial City Zoning |
Move City Council adopt Ordinance No. 4966 approving ANX20-0005 McKinley Glenn, approving the annexation of approximately 10 acres and Initial City Zoning - east of the southeast corner Chandler Heights and Cooper roads as recommended by Planning staff. |
Council Focus Area(s):
9. |
Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 4968, PlH20-0063 McKinley Glenn |
Move City Council adopt Ordinance No. 4968 approving PLH20-0063 McKinley Glenn, Rezoning from Agricultural (AG-1) district to Planned Area Development (PAD) for single-family residential, located east of the southeast corner of Chandler Heights and Cooper roads, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
Council Focus Area(s):
10. |
Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 4969, PLH20-0065 Dobson/Pecos Development |
Move City Council adopt Ordinance No. 4969 approving PLH20-0065, Rezoning from AG-1 to PAD for Mixed-Use, Office, Medical Uses, Commercial, Retail, and Age-Restricted Multi-family, located at the northwest corner of Dobson and Pecos roads, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
Council Focus Area(s):
11. |
Introduction and Tentative Adoption of Ordinance No. 4973, Adoption of Resolution No. 5480, PLH20-0019/PLH20-0008/PLT20-0009 Commonwealth Lofts |
Area Plan
Move City Council approve Resolution No. 5480, PLH20-0019, amending the designated land use in the Downtown South Arizona Avenue Corridor Area Plan on a 3-acre parcel located approximately ¼ of a mile south and west of Chandler Boulevard and McQueen Road from Low Density Residential (0-6 dwelling units per acre, du/ac) to Townhome Medium Density Residential (12-14 du/ac), as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 4973 approving PLH20-0008 Rezoning from AG-1 to PAD for townhomes on a 3-acre parcel located approximately ¼ of a mile south and west of Chandler Boulevard and McQueen Road subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Preliminary Development Plan
Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH20-0008 Commonwealth Lofts for townhomes on a 3-acre parcel located approximately ¼ of a mile south and west of Chandler Boulevard and McQueen Road subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Preliminary Plat
Move City Council approve Preliminary Plat PLT20-0009 on a 3-acre parcel located approximately ¼ of a mile south and west of Chandler Boulevard and McQueen Road subject to the condition recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
Council Focus Area(s):
12. |
Use Permit Extension, PLH21-0011 North Price Stables |
Move City Council approve Use Permit Extension PLH21-0011 North Price Stables located on the east side of Price Road south of Elliot Road subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
Council Focus Area(s):
13. |
Use Permit, PLH21-0006 Infant Swimming Resource |
Use Permit
Move City Council approve Use Permit, PLH21-0006 Infant Swimming Resource, located at 2720 E. Coconino Drive, within the Fonte Al Solé subdivision, west of the southwest corner of Gilbert and Ocotillo roads, subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Information Technology |
14. |
Purchase of Backup and Recovery for Office 365 |
Move City Council approve the purchase of backup and recovery for Office 365, from vCore Technology Partners, utilizing Omnia Partners Contract No. R191902 in the amount of $118,066, and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign a linking agreement with vCore Technology Partners. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Management Services |
15. |
Resolution No. 5488 Ordering and Calling a Special Bond Election to be held in and for the City of Chandler, Arizona, on November 2, 2021, to Submit to the Qualified Electors thereof the Questions of Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of General Obligation Bonds of the City |
Move to pass and adopt Resolution No. 5488 ordering and calling a special bond election to be held in and for the City of Chandler, Arizona, on November 2, 2021, and to submit to the qualified electors thereof the questions of authorizing the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the City. |
16. |
Resolution No. 5476, Adopting the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Tentative Budget and 2022-2031 Tentative Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and giving notice of the dates and times for hearing taxpayers, for final adoption of the budget, and for setting the tax levies and tax rates. |
Move that City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5476, adopting the FY 2021-22 Tentative Budget and 2022-2031 Tentative CIP and giving notice of the dates and times for hearing taxpayers, for final adoption of the budget, and for setting the tax levies and tax rates. |
Council Focus Area(s):
17. |
Agreement No. WH8-890-3914, Amendment No. 3, for Waterworks Supplies |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. WH8-890-3914, Amendment No. 3, with Core and Main, LP, for Waterworks Supplies, in an amount not to exceed $500,000, for the period of June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022. |
Council Focus Area(s):
18. |
Purchase of Janitorial and Sanitation Supplies |
Move City Council approve the purchase of janitorial and sanitation supplies, from Waxie Sanitary Supply, utilizing the City of Tucson Contract No. 202329-01, in an amount not to exceed $350,000, for the period of June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022, and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign a linking agreement with Waxie Sanitary Supply. |
Council Focus Area(s):
19. |
License Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License application for Mexico Magico Y Cantina, LLC, dba Mexico Magico Y Cantina. |
Move for recommendation to the State Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for approval of the State Liquor Job No. 148394, a Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License, for Romario A. Ventura, Agent, Mexico Magico Y Cantina, LLC, dba Mexico Magico Y Cantina, located at 474 W. Ray Road, and approval of the City of Chandler, Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License No. 203067. |
Council Focus Area(s):
20. |
Class B Bingo License for Hope for the Homeless, Inc |
Move for recommendation to the Arizona Department of Revenue for approval of State’s issuance of a Class B Bingo License, Donald A. O’Neill, Secretary/Treasurer, for Hope for the Homeless, Inc., located at Hob Nob Sports Grill, 7200 W. Chandler Boulevard. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Police Department |
21. |
Sole Source Purchase of Taser Conducted Energy Weapons (CEW) |
Move City Council approve the sole source purchase of Taser Conducted Energy Weapons (CEW), from Axon Enterprise, Inc., in the amount of $106,746.70, for year five of the five-year payment plan. |
Council Focus Area(s):
22. |
Purchase of Dell Laptop Computers and Peripherals |
Move City Council approve the purchase of Dell laptop computers and various peripherals, from Dell Marketing, L.P., utilizing State of Arizona Contract No. ADSPO16-098163, in the amount of $800,041, and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign a linking agreement with Dell Marketing, L.P. |
Council Focus Area(s):
23. |
Purchase of Ammunition from Dooley Enterprise, Inc. |
Move City Council approve the purchase of ammunition from Dooley Enterprise, Inc., utilizing State of Arizona Contract No. CTR043672, in the amount of $123,864.87, and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign a linking agreement with Dooley Enterprise, Inc. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Public Works and Utilities |
24. |
Agreement No. PW1-285-4255, with Consolidated Electrical Distributors dba Arizona Electrical Supply and Border States Electric, for the Purchase of LED Luminaires and Photocontrols |
Move City Council approve Agreement No. PW1-285-4255, with Consolidated Electrical Distributors dba Arizona Electrical Supply and Border States Electric, for the purchase of LED luminaires and photocontrols, in a combined amount not to exceed $380,762, for a one-year period, June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022, with the option of four additional one-year extensions. |
Council Focus Area(s):
25. |
Professional Services Agreement No. WW2106.201, with Brown and Caldwell, Inc., for the Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Design Services |
Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WW2106.201, to Brown and Caldwell, Inc., for the Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $483,188. |
Council Focus Area(s):
Informational |
26. |
Study Session & Regular Meeting Minutes of April 21, 2021, Planning and Zoning Commission |
Council Focus Area(s):
Unscheduled Public Appearances |
Current Events
1. Mayor's Announcements
2. Council's Announcements
3. City Manager's Announcements |
Adjourn |