City Council Regular image
City Council Regular Meeting
Thursday, March 25, 2021
6:00 p.m.

Chandler City Council Chambers
88 E. Chicago St., Chandler, AZ

City of Chandler logo
Our Vision
We are a world-class City that provides an exceptional quality of life.
Our Brand
A safe community that connects people, chooses innovation and inspires excellence.

Our Goals
City Council Strategic Policy Goals
1. Being the most connected City
2. Being a leader in trust and transparency
3. Maintaining fiscal sustainability
4. Attracting a range of private sector businesses
5. Fostering a contemporary culture that embraces unity
6. Being safe and beautiful
Pursuant to Resolution No. 4464 of the City of Chandler and to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Chandler City Council and to the general public that the Chandler City Council will hold a REGULAR MEETING open to the public on Thursday, March 25, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., in the Chandler City Council Chambers, 88 E. Chicago Street, Chandler, Arizona. One or more members of the Chandler City Council may attend this meeting by telephone.

Persons with disabilities may request a reasonable modification or communication aids and services by contacting the City Clerk’s office at 480-782-2181 (711 via AZRS). Please make requests in advance as it affords the City time to accommodate the request.

Agendas are available in the Office of the City Clerk, 175 S. Arizona Avenue.

Chandler Street scene
Regular Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Roll Call
Invocation -  Pastor Victor Hardy, Congregational Church of the Valley
Pledge of Allegiance
Consent Agenda
Items listed on the Consent Agenda may be enacted by one motion and one vote. If a discussion is required by members of the governing body, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion and determination will be made if the item will be considered separately.
Community Services
Community Services
1.   Professional Services Agreement No. PR2108.201 with J2 Engineering and Environmental Design for Pima Park Sidewalk Improvements
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. PR2108.201 to J2 Engineering and Environmental Design, for Pima Park Sidewalk Improvements Design Services, in an amount not to exceed $39,308.00.
Council Focus Area(s):
2.   Purchase of Playground Products and Services from Dave Bang Associates, Inc.; Exerplay, Inc.; FlexGround, LLC; Miracle Playground Sales, Inc.; Play it Safe Playgrounds & Park Equipment, Inc.; and Shade 'N Net of Arizona, Inc.
  Move that City Council approve the purchase of playground products and services, utilizing 1 Government Procurement Alliance (1GPA) Contracts 18-04P-02, 18-04P-03, 18-04P-04, 18-04P-06, 18-04P-07 and 18-04P-09, listed respectively, with Dave Bang Associates, Inc.; Exerplay, Inc.; FlexGround, LLC; Miracle Playground Sales, Inc.; Play it Safe Playgrounds & Park Equipment, Inc.; and Shade 'N Net of Arizona, Inc.; in a combined amount not to exceed $700,000.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
Cultural Development
Cultural Development
3.   Resolution No. 5449 Authorizing Modification of the Assessment Diagram; Making a Statement and Estimate of Expenses for the Downtown Chandler Enhanced Municipal Services District; Completing the Assessment; Setting the Date for the Hearing on the Assessment; and Ordering the Giving of Notice of Such Hearing
  Move City Council adopt Resolution No. 5449 authorizing modification of the Assessment Diagram; making a Statement and Estimate of Expenses for the Downtown Chandler Enhanced Municipal Services District; completing the Assessment; setting the date for the hearing on the Assessment; and ordering the giving of notice of such Hearing.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
Quality of Life Neighborhoods
Development Services
Development Services
4.   Introduction to Ordinance No. 4961, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat Approval, PLH20-0023/PLT20-0037 Pecos and McQueen Retail, located at the Southwest Corner of Pecos and McQueen roads
Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 4961 approving PLH20-0023 Pecos and McQueen Retail, located at the southwest corner of Pecos and McQueen roads, Rezoning from Agricultural District (AG-1) to Planned Area Development (PAD) for Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) uses, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.

Preliminary Development Plan
Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH20-0023 Pecos and McQueen Retail, located at the southwest corner of Pecos and McQueen roads, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.

Preliminary Plat
Move City Council approve Preliminary Plat PLT20-0037 Pecos and McQueen Retail, located at the southwest corner of Pecos and McQueen roads, subject to the condition recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
Quality of Life Neighborhoods
5.   Use Permit, PLH21-0004, Move Human Performance Center
  Move City Council approve Use Permit, PLH21-0004, Move Human Performance Center, located approximately one-quarter mile east of the southeast corner of Arizona Avenue and Elliot Road subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area:
Quality of Life
6.   Entertainment Use Permit (EUP), PLH20-0042 Rock Lobster Dining Room Expansion 
  Use Permit or EUP
Move City Council approve Entertainment Use Permit, PLH20-0042, Rock Lobster Dining Room Expansion, located on the southwest corner of Queen Creek and Dobson roads, subject to the conditions recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
Facilities and Fleet
Facilities and Fleet
7.   Agreement with Atkins North America, Inc., for Facility Space Assessment
  Move City Council award Agreement No. BF1-918-4271 to Atkins North America, Inc., dba Faithful+Gould, for a facility space assessment, in an amount not to exceed $85,113. 
Council Focus Area(s):
Innovation and Technology
8.   Agreement No. FS0-060-4131, Amendment No.1, for OEM Auto Parts and Service
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. FS0-060-4131, Amendment No. 1, with Tex Chevrolet dba Earnhardt Chevrolet; Earnhardt Enterprises dba Earnhardt Toyota Scion; Earnhardt Gilbert Dodge, Inc., dba Earnhardt Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram; Earnhardt Chandler Cadillac, Inc.; Earnhardt Ford Sales Company; and Courtesy Auto of Mesa dba Courtesy Dodge for OEM Auto Parts and Service, for a period of one year, April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022, in a combined total amount not to exceed $350,000.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
9.   Agreement No. AS8-405-3826, Amendment No.1, with Senergy Petroleum, LLC; Supreme Oil Co.; and Western Refining Southwest dba Flyers Energy, LLC, for Fuel
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. AS8-405-3826, Amendment No. 1, with Senergy Petroleum, LLC; Supreme Oil Co.; and Western Refining Southwest dba Flyers Energy, LLC; for the purchase of fuel, for a three-year period, April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2024, in a combined total amount not to exceed $7,800,000 for the three-year term.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
10.   Agreement No. BF1-910-4275, with FiveOliver, LLC; Classic Roofing, LLC; National Waterproofing & Roofing, LLC; and Sprayfoam Southwest, Inc., dba Global Roofing Group; for Roofing Repairs and Maintenance
  Move that City Council approve Agreement No. BF1-910-4275, with FiveOliver, LLC; Classic Roofing, LLC; National Waterproofing & Roofing, LLC; and Sprayfoam Southwest, Inc., dba Global Roofing Group; for Roofing Repairs and Maintenance in a combined amount not to exceed $860,000, for a one-year term, April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
11.   Competition Impracticable Purchase of Building Assessment Services from Faithful + Gould, Inc.
  Move City Council approve the competition impracticable purchase of building assessment services from Faithful + Gould, Inc., in the amount of $64,405. 
Council Focus Area(s):
Innovation and Technology General Governance
Fire Department
12.   Resolution No. 5444 authorizing the submission of projects for consideration under the 2022 Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Grant Program for the Child Safety Seat Clinic program
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5444, authorizing the submission of a Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Grant, for the Child Safety Seat Clinic program, in the amount of $49,114, and authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to perform grant-specific negotiations and submit documentation on behalf of the City of Chandler.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
13.   Resolution No. 5445 adopting an agreement with HonorHealth to train Chandler Fire Department paramedic students during their required clinical rotations
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5445, authorizing the City of Chandler to enter into an agreement with HonorHealth to train Chandler Fire Department paramedic students during their required clinical rotations.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life Innovation and Technology
14.   Resolution No. 5450 approving an agreement with Maricopa Medical for the provision of ambulance services
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5450, approving an agreement between the City of Chandler and Maricopa Medical for the provision of ambulance services.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
15.   Agreement No. FD9-345-4024, Amendment No. 2, for Fire Emergency Medical Supplies
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. FD9-345-4024, Amendment No. 2, with Bound Tree Medical, LLC, for fire emergency medical supplies, in an amount not to exceed $150,000, for the period of April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022.   
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
16.   Resolution No. 5446 adopting an agreement with Dignity Health to train Chandler Fire Department paramedic students during their required clinical rotations
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5446, authorizing the City of Chandler to enter into an agreement with Dignity Health to train Chandler Fire Department paramedic students during their required clinical rotations.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life Innovation and Technology
17.   Resolution No. 5447 adopting an agreement with Banner Health to train Chandler Fire Department paramedic students during their required clinical rotations
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5447, authorizing the City of Chandler to enter into agreement with Banner Health to train Chandler Fire Department paramedic students during their required clinical rotations.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life Innovation and Technology
Human Resources
Human Resources
18.   Agreement No. HR9-962-4000, Amendment No. 2, with Devau for Temporary Staffing Services
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. HR9-962-4000, Amendment No. 2, with Devau Human Resources, for temporary staffing services, in an amount not to exceed $1,097,000, for a one-year period, April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022.  
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
Information Technology
Information Technology
19.   Purchase of Servers and Storage from vCore Technology Partners
  Move City Council approve the purchase of servers and storage from vCore Technology Partners utilizing Omnia Partners Contract No. R191902 in the amount of $320,000.
Council Focus Area(s): 
Innovation and Technology
20.   Agreement No. IT1-910-4232, Amendment No. 1, with WorkGroup Connections, Inc., for Office 365 Implementation and Migration Design Plan
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. IT1-910-4232, Amendment No. 1, with WorkGroup Connections, Inc., for Office 365 Implementation and Migration Design Plan, in the amount of $140,000, for additional email data migration services.
Council Focus Area(s):
Innovation and Technology General Governance
Management Services
Management Services
21.   Agreement No. WH7-670-3783, Amendment No. 4, for Plumbing and Irrigation Supplies
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. WH7-670-3783, Amendment No. 4, with Sprinkler World of Arizona, Inc.; Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply; Horizon Distribution, LLC; and Best Plumbing Specialties for the purchase of plumbing and irrigation supplies, for a period of one year, March 23, 2021, through March 22, 2022, in a combined total amount not to exceed $250,000.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
22.   New License Series 12, Restaurant Liquor application for Blacksheep Wine, LLC, dba Blacksheep Wine & Merchant
  Move for recommendation to the State Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for approval of the State Liquor Job No. 135786, a Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License, for Lauren Kay Merrett, Agent, Blacksheep Wine, LLC, dba Blacksheep Wine & Merchant, located at 98 S. San Marcos Place, and approval of the City of Chandler, Series 12, Restaurant Liquor License No. 300235 L12.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
23.   Purchase of Office Supplies from Staples Business Advantage
  Move City Council approve the purchase of office supplies from Staples Business Advantage, utilizing the Sourcewell Contract No. 012320-SCC, for the period of April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $133,000.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
Neighborhood Resources
Neighborhood Resources
24.   Project Agreement No. AZ0001.401 with Caliente Construction, Inc., for Neighborhood Resources Capital Renovations 
  Move City Council award Job Order Project Agreement No. AZ0001.401 to Caliente Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Master Agreement No. JOC1910.401, for Neighborhood Resources Capital Renovations in an amount not to exceed $128,037.08.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life Neighborhoods
Police Department
25.   Agreement No. PD6-680-3619, Amendment No.5, with Universal Police Supply Company for Police Supplies
  Move City Council approve Agreement No. PD6-680-3619, Amendment No. 5, with Universal Police Supply Company, for police supplies, in an amount not to exceed $266,549.25, for the period of July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
26.   Resolution No. 5453 Pertaining to the Submission of Projects for Consideration in Arizona’s 2021 Highway Safety Plan
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5453 pertaining to the submission of projects for consideration in Arizona’s 2022 Highway Safety Plan, and authorize the Chief of Police to conduct all negotiations and to execute and submit all documents necessary in connection with such grant.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
Public Works and Utilities
Public Works and Utilities
27.   Introduction of Ordinance No. 4964 Authorizing the Sale of a Parcel of City-Owned Land at the Southwest Corner of McQueen Road and Pecos Road
  Move City Council introduce and tentatively adopt Ordinance No. 4964 authorizing the sale of a parcel of City-owned land at southwest corner of McQueen Road and Pecos Road to WNDG, LLC, an Arizona Limited Liability Company.
Council Focus Area(s):
28.   Purchase of Refuse and Recycling Containers and Parts from Otto Environmental Systems
  Move City Council approve the purchase of refuse and recycling containers and parts, from Otto Environmental Systems, utilizing City of Mesa Contract No. 2018048, in an amount not to exceed $325,000.
Council Focus Area(s):
General Governance
29.   Professional Services Agreement No. WW1901.201, Amendment No. 2, with Wilson Engineers, LLC, for the Water Reclamation Facility Improvements
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WW1901.201, Amendment No. 2, to Wilson Engineers, LLC, for additional design services, for the Water Reclamation Facility Improvements, in the amount of $222,570, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $4,122,380.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
30.   Resolution No. 5448, Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Flood Control District of Maricopa County for the City of Chandler Stormwater Management Master Plan Study
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5448, approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Flood Control District of Maricopa County for the City of Chandler Stormwater Management Master Plan Study and Authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life Innovation and Technology
31.   Project Agreement No. WW2014.402, with FPS Civil, LLC, for the Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation
  Move City Council award Project Agreement No. WW2014.402, to FPS Civil, LLC, pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1902.401, for the Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation, in an amount not to exceed $1,046,278.53.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
32.   Professional Services Agreement No. WW2014.452, with Dibble CM, LLC, for the Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation Construction Management Services
  Move City Council award Professional Services Agreement No. WW2014.452, to Dibble CM, LLC, for the Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation Construction Management Services, in an amount not to exceed $175,000.
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life
33.   Resolution No. 5451, Approving the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Flood Control District of Maricopa County for Detroit Basin Area Drainage Improvements
  Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5451, approving the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Flood Control District of Maricopa County for the Detroit Basin Area Drainage Improvements, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Agreement
Council Focus Area(s):
Quality of Life Neighborhoods
34.   Project Agreement No. ST2017.402, with DBA Construction, Inc., for the Quiet Zone Improvements, Phase 2
  Move City Council award Project Agreement No. ST2017.402 to DBA Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Contract No. JOC1916.401, for the Quiet Zone Improvements, Phase 2, in an amount not to exceed $1,322,738.40.
Council Focus Area(s):
Public Hearing
35.   Annexation Public Hearing, Approximately 9.0 Acres located East of the Southeast Corner of Cooper and Chandler Heights Roads
1.  Open Public Hearing
2.  Staff Presentation
3.  Council Discussion
4.  Discussion from the Audience
5.  Close Public Hearing
Council Focus Area(s):
36.   Annexation Public Hearing, Approximately 5.11 Acres located at the Southeast Corner of Arizona Avenue and Appleby Road
1.  Open Public Hearing
2.  Staff Presentation
3.  Council Discussion
4.  Discussion from the Audience
5.  Close Public Hearing
Council Focus Area(s):
innovation and Redevelopment icon
Unscheduled Public Appearances
Current Events
1. Mayor's Announcements
2. Council's Announcements
3. City Manager's Announcements


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